wtorek, 9 czerwca 2009

ze słownika

to z polsko-rosyjskiego, teraz będzie coś z urban dictionary:

 the subject of the Arthur Alexander song as well as the remake by The Beatles. the best "Annas" come from the South. Anna is a unique name that can be spelled the same forwards & backwards; Anna - annA. see? the name is simple & elegant, which is a good description of females named Anna. elegant & exciting. simple & undefined. traditional & radical. 
"hi. what's your name?"
"yes... Anna."
"oh my goodness that is the most awesome name i've ever heard in my LIFE!"
"why thank you."
"NO! thank YOU! for allowing me to meet you, Anna!"

nic tak dobrze nie robi jak dawka bezpodstawnego samozachwytu.

1 komentarz:

  1. 1.Marika
    Bestest person like ever :)
    If you know a Marika,
    She's amazingg. <3
    Person1:Did you see Marika today?
    Person2: YES! She's amazing.

    Bezpodstawny samozachwyt... :)

